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The 13th IEEE International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies 23-25 Oct 2019 | Baku, Azerbaijan


Once again, thank you for serving as a Peer-Reviewer for the AICT2018 and for your timely response. Your participation invaluable to the Peer-Review process.



Peer-Review process at the AICT2019 is done using online Submission and Peer-Review system which is part of integrated Conference Management System.
Peer-Review should be fulfilled according to following 11 criteria (Scoreform) where each criterion is evaluated with specific available values (Exceptional-5, Very Good-4, Good-3, Fair-2, Poor-1):
  1. Relevance to the conference scope
  2. Appropriateness of the title and abstract
  3. Originality of the presented work
  4. Structure of the paper
  5. Discussion of related work and literature
  6. Research Methodology/Study methods
  7. Standard of English, writing and expression
  8. Relevance and clarity figures and tables
  9. Discussion and conclusions
  10. Reference list, adequate and correctly cited
  11. Relevance to IEEE Manuscript Template (Paper format)

In addition to above mentioned Scoreform, the review should consist of the following comments (Remember that authors will welcome positive feedback as well as constructive criticism from you.)

Comments for Author (will be shared with author):

  • a very brief summary of the paper in your own words, pointing out its contributions
  • a discussion of the novelty and importance of these contributions
  • a list of major comments that may motivate rejection or require major revision
  • any other minor comments and corrections.

Comments for TPC (Technical Program Committee and will not be sent to the author):

  • any confidential remarks for the TPC


Once you’ve read the paper, have assessed its quality using Scoresheet and made commenta, you need to make a final recommendation to the AICT2019 editor regarding publication. The specific decision types used by the AICT2019 are the followings:
  • Accept in its present form – if the paper is suitable for publication in its current form. Still, there may be some small fixes, typos, etc. those should be indicated.
  • Accept with minor revisions – if the paper will be ready for publication after light revisions. This manuscript meets the criteria of novelty and appropriateness, but requires a few fixes, which are considered to be quite minor. Please list the revisions you would recommend the author makes.
  • Accept with major revisions – if the paper would benefit from substantial changes such as expanded data analysis, widening of the literature review, or rewriting sections of the text. The manuscript will facilitate a second full review cycle by the reviewers.
  • Reject – if the paper is not suitable for the conference or if the revisions that would need to be undertaken are too fundamental for the submission to continue being considered in its current form.


Peer-Reviewer should not accept evaluation of paper where the conflict of interest exists. Examples of conflicts of interest are:
  • shared institutional affiliation with one of the authors
  • collaboration on a publication or research project in the past five years
  • supervision of the author's PhD or post-doctoral work
Why to become Peer-Reviewer?
  • Help authors improve their papers by providing your professional expertise.
  • Expand your awareness of the current research emerging within your field.
  • Build relationships and improve your academic and professional profile.
  • Improve your own writing skills.
For more Editor Resources