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The 13th IEEE International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies 23-25 Oct 2019 | Baku, Azerbaijan


In order to submit a paper to the AICT Conference follow the below steps:

Step 1. For existing user1, jump to step 5; For a new user, move to Step 2.
Step 2. Click the "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT" link
Step 3. Fill in the registration form,
  • check if your account (email) exists using "Check email". If email exists, move back to Step 1.
  • use your primary email address where AICT will send all important correspondence and that will be used for Login as well
  • click "Sign Up" button
Step 4. Confirmation email will be automatically sent to your email address (within 5-10 min) with subject "AICT - Confirmation of your Registration". You have to confirm your account by clicking provided link
Step 5. Click "Submit your Paper" and carefully review general requirements
Step 6. Click "Paper Submission" link and Login using your credentials (email/password) at "Login"
Step 7. After successful Login the user's home page will appear, where current submissions can be seen (if any exists). You can see and edit your profile clicking "My Profile".
Step 8. To submit new paper click to "Submit a Paper".
Step 9. Fill-out the Paper Submission form
  • Choose at least one (up to 3) session(s) that best suits your research paper
  • Specify all co-authors of your paper
  • upload your paper (in .PDF format)
Step 10. Click Submit
Step 11. Click "My Home" to see submitted papers list
Step 12. To submit another paper jumt to step 8.
Step 13. Track status of your paper(s) on "My Home" page
  • You can see the Recommendation of reviewer(s)
  • You can see details of Review process
  • You can interact (using text messages) with reviewer(s), in case if reviewer initiated interaction
Step 14. When Paper Status is "Accept" proceed following stems
Step 15. COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a full participant of the conference at "Register".
Step 16. VERIFY IEEE XPLORE PDF COMPLIANCE. PDF eXpress is a free service that helps IEEE conference authors to comply with the IEEE Xplore requirements for PDF files. For more details visit "GUIDELINES FOR CAMERA READY SUBMISSION".
Step 17. REVISE YOUR PAPER AND SUBMIT CAMERA-READY. Camera Ready paper should be IEEE Xplore compatible. Before submitting the Camera Ready make sure that you have taken into account recommendations of the peer-reviewer (if you received such a comments). For more details visit "GUIDELINES FOR CAMERA READY SUBMISSION".

1. Your account may exist in following cases:

  1. You've created account for the current AICT conference
  2. You created account for one of previous AICT conference
  3. You are co-author of paper submitted to any AICT conference