All accepted papers of AICT2011 will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, in paper or in CD-ROM support.
Paper will be accepted only by electronic submission through the conference web site. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a full participant of the workshop to have the paper published in the proceedings.
Authors also should adhere strictly to the format instructions. The organizing committee reserves the right to return accepted papers to the author(s) that do not fully comply strictly with the format instructions given on template are available at the conference web site, for more information on the electronic submission see web-site at: paper submission guidelines.
Original papers not being submitted to journals or other conferences will be considered. All submitted papers will be evaluated according to its originality, significance, correctness, presentation and relevance. We encourage authors to present novel ideas, critique of existing work, and practical studies and experiments.
There are three official and working languages of AICT2011 Conference: English, Azerbaijani and Russian
Presenters must be at the designated room of your session 15 minutes before it begins, so that you can meet your session chair and the other speakers in advance.
It is most important to be within strict time constraints to allow the presentation to fit within the allotted time period. However, if needed, the session chairman will ensure that these time limits are strictly observed. Each paper has an estimated time slot up to 10 minutes for presentation, and an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers.
Overhead and LCD projectors, as well as laptops, will be available in all oral presentation conference rooms. Other equipment will be provided at the presenter expenses if a request is being made. Please kindly forward any such request to the organizing chair of the conference, Dr. Abzetdin Adamov or Prof. Dr. Guy Omidyar
Presenters should bring their compatible presentation files stored on a CD-ROM/DVD. Presenters are kindly requested to upload their files into the laptop at least 15 minutes before the start of the session, if you do not bring your own laptop. Presenters are also kindly requested to test the functionality of the presentation before the beginning of the session. It is strongly recommended that presenters bring along transparencies as a backup.